Did you know over the past six decades that over 21,000 studies have been conducted on caffeine alone? We're not simply talking about coffee -- even though the stuff, which is actually loaded with antioxidants, can have a protective effect in your body. We're talking caffeine, which all on its own alone is getting major attention especially in the mood, metabolism and even sexual mojo departments!
Here are five benefits of good ol' caffeine you need to know about!
- Helps You Burn More Calories -- Researchers from the University of Copenhagen examined the metabolic effects of three dietary supplements on three groups of study participants. One group, divided in half, was either given 500 mgs of green tea extract supplement or a placebo; one half of a second group was given 400 mgs of tyrosine and the other half a placebo; and half of the third group was given 50 mgs of pure caffeine and the other half a placebo. The groups taking the green tea or tyrosine experienced almost no increase in metabolic rate. Yet those who were taking only 50 mgs of caffeine experienced anywhere from a three to 16 percent increase in thermogenesis (the rate one burns calories).
- Improves Your Workout -- Trained endurance athletes perform better with caffeine. One study of athletes who had placed in the top 10 of an Olympic marathon showed those who had caffeine ran for 105 minutes as compared to only 75 minutes in those who had taken a placebo. The ergogenic benefits of caffeine have been known for a long time. And new research also shows it may even help you lift heavier weights in the gym.
- It Will Make You Happy -- Arabian Mystics and modern-day psychologists have known for a long time that coffee may improve mood. Some of the more conservative mystics even considered banning coffee as they considered it was making people too happy! Researchers found in an extensive study of nearly 130,000 men and women reported in the Annals of Epidemiology that suicide risk decreased as caffeine intake increased. And compared to other stimulants such as nicotine and alcohol, caffeine has long lasting mood elevating effects throughout the day. The scientific researcher, I. Kawachi found subjects who were given just 100 mgs of caffeine experienced increased feelings of "well-being, social disposition, self-confidence, energy and motivation for work." I would say that has a great big "wow" factor, wouldn't you agree?
- Makes You Speak Up Yet Stay Calm -- This is really interesting. Scientists say caffeine will make you more talkative, elevate alertness, increase energy and forcefulness yet does not increase aggression! As a matter of fact, scientific research has proven caffeine will decrease aggression, that regular caffeine use will increase the friendliness factor and coffee drinkers are more inclined to "forgive and forget" regarding small irritations. Hmmm, that may explain why those folks waiting on us from behind the Starbucks counter are so darned happy all the time!
- May Make You More "In the Mood!" -- You may already know that folks age 65 and older are more sexually active when they drink coffee on a regular basis. Yet, it gets even better! Now known as the poor man's Viagra, a little caffeine may go a long way in the bedroom if you know what I mean! Recent studies on rats show that caffeine may do exactly what sexual enhancement drugs do: help create better erections! Studies on human subjects are in the works!
Keep in mind, we all metabolize caffeine differently. What may be just right for you may be too much for another. The author's of the book The Caffeine Advantage recommend starting out with taking a smaller dose of only 100 mgs of pure caffeine once a day to test your tolerance. You may need more or less. Perhaps 200 mgs may be just right. Or you may only need 50 mgs. To obtain a similar amount of caffeine without taking a pill you can always drink a cup or two of coffee or strong tea which may contain anywhere from 50 to 200 mgs of caffeine. There are side effects you must watch out for, such as keeping you awake at night if you take it too late in the day or it may raise your blood pressure. The key is regular daily use, not occasional use. This is how you will glean the most benefit. And follow what I like to call "The Goldilock's Rule" of not too much, not too little ... but just right!
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